Photographer, Filmmaker & Educator
Ed’s talk about homelessness was very real and thought provoking. It still ponders on my mind and the more I think about it, the more I realise how simple but yet very powerful his message about homelessness was. It has certainly changed my perspective and stereotypical views. I would often avoid eye contact when I see people homeless on the streets. But, as a result of Ed’s talk, motivation and encouragement – I will acknowledge, smile and chat if I have a while with a homeless person.
We all go about our daily lives forgetting how to be humane to those who are not as fortunate as ourselves at that moment in time not realizing that homelessness can happen to anyone at any time.
Listening to Ed has encouraged me to be more humane to a homeless person and hopefully make a difference henceforth in my own little way. The children were also challenged and I believe a positive seed has been sown in them regarding issues of homelessness.
I think Ed is a great person to take this crusade upon himself to enlighten, educate, encourage and motivate people about homelessness. Well done Ed and I pray your campaign grows from strength to strength.
Theresa Ikupolati – Lead Practitioner – Seven Sisters Primary School – Tottenham – London.