"Ed came to Highgate School to talk to about 180 year ten pupils. His talk was informative, thought provoking, touching, humorous and most importantly, for some, behaviour and perception changing. Ed talked with passion and honesty which really captured the pupils’ attention. He shared personal stories and his own emotional journey.
I certainly left left the talk with a different view and have engaged with those I meet who are homeless in a different way since listening to Ed. I know numerous others in the room felt the same. We are very keen to have Ed back again, talking to different year groups. I would really recommend anyone, certainly those of us living in areas where homelessness is on the increase, to listen to Ed’s talk.
Karen Norris - Head of House and Assistant to the Director of Community Partnerships
Highgate School, London

Seven Sisters Primary School, Tottenham
Did you learn at least one new way to help someone who is homeless? (Primary teachers)